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Hello and welcome to the Doggone Good Cookie Blog!

This is the start of my journey baking through the Cookie Bible by Rose Levy Beranbaum.

A little background about me would be in order … I am a humble baker, that is to say that I am not the greatest baker on the planet. I have no trouble navigating through the most complicated recipes for anything from Bernaise sauce to Beef Wellington, but a plain old Chocolate Chip cookie can just crush me!

It’s not that I can’t read the recipe and follow the directions, but it seems like anything that I bake has one of two outcomes and that would be either masterful or mediocre. It’s pretty much a crapshoot. So, I had resigned myself to the only baked good that I could control with roughly 80% success – Bananna Bread. I know, I know, it’s pretty pathetic.

So, being skeptical of success, I attempted the easiest recipe from the Cookie Bible and WOW, just WOW. I could bake a good cookie. After the first recipe I tried another and another and I was a success, not just once but every time! OK, I admit, I did get a little aggressive and tried an Italian Meringue cookie and needless to say, I should have stuck to the recipes in the front of the book before jumping to page 364.

And this is where it begins … recipe numero uno. THE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE.