This is a candy bar.
I did not make this.
I did make a Jumble. It is all of this and better.
The Jumble is, I can’t even really describe it as a cookie because there is definitely more non-cookie than cookie in it.
I have no idea how this even stayed together when I mixed the batter. It is Almonds, Pecans, Chocolate Chips and Rasins and some batter.
And a good one at that. Every single bite is nutty, chocolatey and raisiny. Its crunchy, kind of gooey and just a hint of the actual soft cookie hiding among the mix-ins. This is like breakfast lunch and dinner all wrapped up in one delicious nugget.
Yes – this is the actual cookie that I just blathered on and on about..
OK, maybe I exaggerated about the batter, yes it looks pretty cookie-like. But looks can be deceiving, that little outside show of cookieness is deceiving.
Side note.
As I mentioned in the Cranberry Chocolate Chipper, buy rasins in bulk not in the box. I bought Jumbo Flame Rasins at Sprouts. One of my Cookie Monsters said “the rasins were as big as a thumb.”